“Authorities” data sets

From this page, you can download the data sets associated with the authorities defined in Persée collections.

To learn more about how this information is represented, please visit our data schemas page.

| 4 data sets are available


Data set of person authorities

This archive contains biographical and bibliographical information for each of the authors for whom documents are available on the Persée portal.

Format : RDF
Generation date : 14/05/2019
Number/size : 178.429 persons - 13 302 Ko

Alignment data set (persons)

Alignments between Persée person authorities and other information systems (IdRef, data.bnf.fr, dbPedia, VIAF and ISNI).

< find out more >

Format : RDF or CSV
Generation date : 14/05/2019
Number/size : 82.386 persons - RDF : 6 234 Ko - CSV: 5 988 Ko

Athar data set (Cairo monuments)

Alignments between the articles and illustrations from the Bulletin of the Committee for the Conservation of Monuments of Arab Art and their description in Cairo Gazetteer developed by the InVisu laboratory. < find out more >

Format : RDF
Generation date : 13/05/2019
Period : 1885-1961
Number/size : 41 numbers – 8788 documents – 138 persons – 1,19 Mo

Species autorities data set

This archive contains informations about taxonomy data associated with documents from the Persée's portal

Format : RDF
Generation date : 14/05/2019
Number/size : 58.340 taxons - 3 461 Ko